Technology & Fingerprints

Fingerprint recognition or otherwise known as fingerprint authentication refers to a automated method of verifying someones identity. Fingerprints have a long history of being used to identify individuals. The police are one organisation that along with a DNA sample request fingerprints so they can identify and individual.

Although fingerprint taking and collating is normally the stuff of films and the cinema, the police are the only organisation to retain a record. Fingerprint identification is not open to a private detective tracing or trying to find people, although Hollywood would have us believe differently.

Fingerprints are just one of the many biometrics at there that are used to identify individuals and verify their identity.

Find out about other types of Biometric


1. This technology has great  accuracy.
2. Is the most economical biometric PC user authentication technique there is out there. of the most developed technologies out of most the biometrics
4. Very easy to use anyone can.
5. Small storage space required for the biometric template, reducing the size of the database memory required


1. it not very intrusive, because is still linked back to criminal identification.
2. At times it can  make mistakes with the dryness or dirty of the finger’s skin, as well as with the age .

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